Went to visit my Aunt and Uncle before the game. My Aunt took my hat from me to try on.
We went to Vancouver Waterfront to go see the Olympic Cauldron, what an unpretty fence in the way.
On our way to the hockey game.
Ok can't skip the Mascots
I snuck a peak to see what the Media Seats look like (before the game started)
Oh the Slavoski team is coming out for their warm up period
That's the Vancouver Olympic logo, it's suppose to be rocks piled up to form a human shape
Canada warming up too
Olmypic Fags hang from above
Look the Players took a picture with me, well sortof
"With Glowing Hearts" the theme? base of Canada's anthem
Slavoski Lineup announced
Three nets?
Zambonis!!!!! they excite me
What a good gardener, he's watering the ice
Lineup / Faceoff
Wait for it . . . Wait for GO
Where's Quatchi?
Go Go Go
Who lost their hockey stick?
GOAL for the French Canadians
Go Go Go
7-0 First period. So sad, people started clapping for the SVK team by now when they made a good save or tried to score. "We applaud you for a Good Job for Good Effort"
Sea of RED fans
Canada's Goalie
Where's Miga
More Action
Final score 18-0
It was actually kinda a boring game, no competiton . . .
Good Job everyone
Look closely and you can see Quatchi on the SVK Goalie's helmet
McDonals Collectables!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!