Saturday, December 19, 2009

Such Wasted Cilantro

So this evening had some dinner with some Aunties (not really related) at a Chinese restaurant. I saw that one of the aunties was doing this kind act of removing the dish garnish that was in the way of everyone getting to the good food.  Aww such love and care that she takes the effort to do it.

So that's how most people would take it.  To me, I was in shock.  Why, why did she do what she did?  The poor cilantro.  She took the the cliantro onto her bone pile (the place where you pile your chicken wing bones, chilli pepper, extra fat you sliced off a piece of meat,or the piece of food that fell onto the dirty table).

I wanted to cry for the next 5 minutes (I was really sad inside).   She put it into the waste pile where it was now dirty, no longer for anyone to consume.   ~pout~ But then for the rest of the meal I kept smirking.  Why?  I couldn't stop cracking up (once again this was inside me, i resisted in laughing out loud) about how this was consuming my mind "What a waste of the Cilantro"

Monday, December 14, 2009

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday To Me,
Happy Birthday to Me,
Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeee
Happy Birthday to Me

I have people sending me message via private messages on facebook, and people sending me messages via work email (although they found out via facebook), leaving me instant messages when I"m offline, and text messages. I"m soooo loved.

But there is something that really bothers me about 30% of the Happy Birthday messages I get on facebook.  I feel they are fake, the simple post of 2 words "Happy Birthday" with the occasional added smily face from the person you haven't talked to in 4 years and doesn't reply to you when you try to start up a conversation with them.  They all have a list of upcoming birthdays all nice and organized curtosey of facebook.  They think they are so nice to wish someone a happy birthday but deep down inside they don't actually care about you. 

But don't think my mind set is so narrow, I do love the wall posts that are unique, specialized to you; shows that they took real time to craft something special for you.  Or from someone whom you haven't talked to in years but They are actually trying to start up a conversation with you.  Those are very special to me too, it's always fun to catch up, talk to old lost friends.

Hmmm maybe I should start removing people from my facebook, people I dont really care about. . . . Nahh, I like to see where people are at in the world, even if we don't talk anymore.

P.S.  Jesus's Birthday is in 15 days, don't forget to share with him a meaning full birthday wishes

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Selling Lolita HeadBands

I made this Japanese Lolita HeadBand a while back when I first got my sewing machine.  And recently after starting up my Etsy account I wanted to make more and share it with the world.  Ok so etsy ISN'T flooded with japanese lolita headbands, and I think I know why.  No one is buying.  ~sniff sniff~  Ok I don't really care that no one is buying, but no one is even looking and that's what makes me sad.  I guess Etsy has yet to hit it off with cosplay stuff.

Oh well, I decided to post some up on the LiveJournal Cosplay community , let's see if anyone is interested. 

I'm sad the new LJ moderator for the Cosplay forum not only deleted my post but immediatly banned me from their community because there are new rules say no selling lolita stuff (or anime fleece hats).  I thought that was extremely harsh, and don't see why Lolita is bad since so many cosplayers are into it.  In fact there is whole section of cosplaying for lolita cosplayers.  Gah they are toooo technical I want to hit them with something hard.  People were complaining about anime fleece hats?  I saw they were popular (in comments as well) in the community.  I dislike these new moderators

Monday, December 7, 2009

In the Beginning

Although I already have a LiveJournal I decided to open up a new one. 

I wonder what I'll write about in this blog.  I dunno probebly anything that comes to mind
  • showing off my crafts
  • trip stories
  • funny things that happen
  • weird things that randomly pop into my head
I guess that's why it's a blog about my me